Creative Sparkle

The Creative Sparkle for Assessment and Training team comprises a group of experts and scholars from top international universities and centers in creativity, innovation, leadership, and psychometric testing. Creative Sparkle for Assessment and Training offers different kinds of high-quality services.

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Our Tests

Everyday Creativity Index©

The Everyday Creativity Index© was designed to measure certain characteristics and behaviors that distinguish creative It is also called little-c creativity, which is necessary for creative achievements (Big-C).

Critical Thinking Scale©

The Figural Critical Thinking Scale (CT-Scale©) assesses high-level clear thinking necessary to extract meaning out of confusion and ambiguity, and it is defined as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)©

The Successful Intelligence test represents a real revolution and scientific breakthrough in measuring human intelligence by employing the latest theory in measuring intelligence, which is the Theory of Successful Intelligence.

Attitudes and Values Toward Creativity Scale©

The Attitudes and Values Toward Creativity Scale© assesses creativity as a work value. An attitude consists of how we feel, what we think, and what we are inclined to do about something. Recent research has shown that attitudes and values toward creativity can positively influence individuals’ job satisfaction, creative work/school environment, and emotional competencies.

Creative Decision-Making Scale©

Creative Decision-Making Scale© assesses an individual’s ability to select creative ideas from a group of options. Such a skill is extremely important for educators and policy makers to identify those who have the ability to distinguish between creative ideas and other (less creative) ideas.